1. Material selection
防眩板可以用金属材料和合成材料制成,防眩网可以用金属材料制成。金属材料指金属板材、金属网和连接件;合成材料包括工程塑料、玻璃纤维增强塑料制品等。上述材料应满足耐腐蚀性及耐候性的要求。现行《公路防眩设施技术条件》(JT/T 333)、《塑料防眩板》(JT/T 598)、《公路用玻璃纤维增强塑料产品 第4部分:防眩板》(JT/T 599.4) 中对各类防眩设施的构件材料有详尽的要求,除设计文件另行规定外,应遵照执行。
The anti glare board can be made of metal materials and synthetic materials, and the anti glare net can be made of metal materials. Metal materials refer to metal plates, metal nets and connectors; synthetic materials include engineering plastics, glass fiber reinforced plastic products, etc. The above materials should meet the requirements of corrosion resistance and weatherability. The current "technical conditions for highway anti glare facilities" (JT/T 333), "plastic anti glare board" (JT/T 598), "fourth parts of glass fiber reinforced plastic products for highway use" (JT/T 599.4) have detailed requirements for the components and materials of all kinds of anti glare protection facilities, and should be carried out in addition to the design articles.
钢构件防腐处理可采用热浸镀锌、热浸镀铝、表面涂塑和涂刷油漆等方式,除设计文件另行规定外,应符合现行《髙速公路交通工程钢构件防腐技术条件》(GB/T 18226) 和设计文件的规定。对于合成类材料,如设置在受海边盐雾腐蚀、酸雨或除雪剂影响较大 的环境中时,可选用不易老化、不易褪色和不易变形的高分子合成材料。
The anticorrosion treatment of steel structure can be made by hot dip galvanizing, hot dip aluminizing, surface coating and painting and painting. Besides the design documents, it should be in accordance with the current regulations of the current "anti-corrosion technical conditions for steel parts of expressway traffic engineering" (GB/T 18226) and design documents. For synthetic materials, such as in the environment affected by sea salt fog corrosion, acid rain or snow removing agent, high molecular synthetic materials, which are not easy to be aged, discoloring and deformable, can be selected.
Two. Construction
1. installation of anti glare board or anti glare net installed on concrete guardrail.
(1) 预埋件的设置位置、结构尺寸等不符合设计要求,或未按要求设置预埋件时,应与建设单位联系,不得随意处理,以免破坏混凝土护栏的使用功能。
(1) when the set position and structure size of the embedded parts do not conform to the design requirements, or when the embedded parts are not set according to the requirements, they should be connected with the construction units and should not be disposed at will, so as not to destroy the function of the concrete guardrails.
(2) 混凝土护栏是支撑防眩板、防眩网的结构物,防眩板、防眩网安装完成后,各连接件就要受力,混凝土强度达到设计强度的70%以上时,方可在混凝土护栏顶部安装防眩设施。
(2) the concrete guardrail is the structure that supports the anti glare plate and the anti glare net. After the installation of the anti glare plate and the anti glare net is completed, the joints are to be stressed. When the strength of the concrete reaches more than 70% of the design strength, the anti glare facilities can be installed on the top of the concrete guardrail.
(3) 防眩板、防眩网安装后,其下缘与混凝土护栏顶部的间距应符合设计文件的规定。安装过程中,不得随意抬高防眩板、防眩网以调整高度及垂直度,以免下缘漏光过量影响防眩效果。
The distance between the lower edge and the top of the concrete guardrail should conform to the design document after the installation of the anti glare board and the anti glare net. (3) During installation, it is not allowed to raise the anti glare board and the anti glare net randomly to adjust the height and perpendicularity, so as to avoid the excessive leakage of light on the lower margin and affect the anti glare effect.
(4) 防眩板、防眩网安装后,与混凝土护栏成为整体结构,一般不会削弱混凝土护栏的
(4) after installing the anti glare panels and anti glare nets, the concrete guardrail will become an integral structure, which will generally not weaken the concrete guardrail.
The original function, but should be paid attention to check.
2. installation of anti glare board or anti glare net installed on wave beam guardrail.
(1) 防眩板或防眩网可通过连接件安装在波形梁护栏上。
(1) the anti glare board or anti glare net can be installed on the corrugated beam guardrail through connectors.
(2) 为了简化防眩板或防眩网结构,有时把防眩板或防眩网安装在单侧波形梁护栏上。一般情况下,这种做法不会削弱波形梁护栏原有的功能,但一旦发生碰撞事故,护栏和防眩设施均会遭受破坏,应经常注意检查。
(2) in order to simplify the structure of the anti glare board or anti glare net, sometimes the anti glare board or anti glare net is installed on the unilateral wave beam guardrail. In general, this method will not weaken the original function of the wave beam guardrail, but once the collision accident occurs, both the guardrail and the anti glare facilities will be damaged, and should be often paid attention to.
(3) 防眩板或防眩网下缘与波形梁护栏顶面之间的间距应符合设计文件的规定,以免漏光过量影响防眩效果。
(3) the distance between the anti glare plate or the net of the anti glare net and the top surface of the corrugated beam guardrail should comply with the design documents, so as to avoid excessive leakage and affect the anti glare effect.
(4) 防眩板或防眩网通过连接件与波形梁护栏连接,施工过程中不应损伤波形梁护栏的金属涂层。任何形式涂层的损伤,均应在24小时之内给予修补。
(4) the anti dazzle plate or anti glare net is connected with the corrugated beam guardrail through the connecting piece, and the metal coating of the corrugated beam guardrail should not be damaged during the construction. Any form of coating damage should be repaired within 24 hours.
3. installation of anti glare panels or anti glare nets independently.
(1) 防眩板或防眩网单独设置时,立柱一般直接落地埋在中央分隔带内,因此,施工前,应注意清理中央分隔带内的杂物、坑洞,了解管线埋深及位置,处理好与其他中央分隔带内构造物的关系。立柱埋设在其他位置时,也应进行场地清理。
(1) when the anti glare board or the anti glare net is set alone, the column is directly buried in the central separation zone. So, before the construction, we should pay attention to cleaning up the sundries and holes in the central separation zone, understanding the buried depth and position of the pipeline, and dealing with the relationship with other central separations. When columns are embedded in other locations, site cleaning should be carried out.
(2) 防眩板或防眩网单独设置时,可根据所在位置选择将立柱埋人土中、设置混凝土基础或固定于构造物上等方式加以处理。
(2) when the anti glare board or the anti glare net is set up separately, it can be treated by the location of the site, the concrete foundation or the structure.
(3) 防眩板或防眩网立柱的施工,采用开挖法埋设混凝土基础时,不得破坏地下的通信管线或电缆管线。混凝土基础开挖达到规定深度后,应夯实基底,调整好垂直度和高程,夯实回填土。施工中不得损害中央分隔带地下排水系统。
(3) the construction of the anti dazzle board or the anti glare net column shall not destroy the underground communication pipeline or cable line when the concrete foundation is laid by the excavation method. After the concrete foundation reaches the prescribed depth, the foundation should be compacted, the perpendicularity and elevation should be adjusted to consolidate the backfill. The underground drainage system of the central separation zone shall not be damaged during construction.